Accentuating the Positive When You're Pregnant

Accentuating the Positive When You’re Pregnant

The reality is that you are going to have times where you simply detest being pregnant. Yes, you will gain some significant weight, and you may feel big as a house at some point. Sure, you are likely to feel some nausea, back pain, or just a general sense of being uncomfortable all the time—but you must try to remember to enjoy this crazy journey as well! Unless you are like some of the lucky few who manage to gain only a few pounds and escape without any symptoms, most of us don’t exactly love being pregnant.

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#Stay Positive Amidst the Range of Emotions and Symptoms You Experience

Amidst the anxiety and symptom-filled journey of pregnancy, there are some great moments to savor. First and foremost, you will enjoy a beautiful baby at the end of this whole crazy whirlwind, and even on your worst days, it’s essential to keep that in mind. This is for a more significant cause, and you get to hold a tiny little human being that is all yours; after all, it is said and done.

There are some fantastic moments to focus on or look forward to that can help you through vomit fits and exhaustion that you can’t even explain. When you get to see that first image of your baby on an ultrasound, nothing quite like it. Just as you thought you had seen the best of it, you get to hear the heartbeat for the first time, and that is so truly magical.

It must be planned out this way, for just as you get past the sick days of sheer exhaustion, you get to enjoy the complete ultrasound. You forget all of the weight gain and difficult days when you see your sweet little one floating around in front of your very eyes! Whether you find out the baby’s gender or not, seeing that little image on a screen is enough to make the toughest woman cry.

#Connecting With Your Baby Can Make the Negative Aspects Seem So Small

Many women will say that the first movements and kicks along the way are enough to keep them going. Expect that the first trimester may be the most difficult as it is often filled with the most anxiety and worry and the worst symptoms. You don’t really feel pregnant at that point, but you have to keep in mind what lies ahead of you.

The second trimester is a beautiful time when you get some of your energy back and start to feel more like yourself. This is also when you start wearing expecting mom clothes, feel the baby move and actually get to meet them on screen for the first time. So much wonder that you forget that the trips to the bathroom are becoming plentiful, and a good night’s sleep is a thing of the past! Though you have gained some weight, you are often feeling good and know that it’s minimal.

The third trimester is when you may really feel uncomfortable, but you are getting so close to the finish line. Sure, you are starting to feel a new sense of anxiety, but you have your baby moving happily inside you and know that you get to meet them and hold them so very soon.

#So Much Joy and the Negative Aspects Pass Quickly

Embrace the happy moments, even when you feel awful and even when you aren’t exactly loving being pregnant. There will come a day when you will miss those tiny movements and when you will remember what it was like not to see your own feet! Try to reflect somehow on what it feels like to create a tiny human within you and how it is to feel that connection to them instantaneously.

Pregnancy passes by so quickly, and though the days may not feel that way, the months will truly fly by before you realize it. So though the symptoms may feel too much, and you may wonder if you will ever get through, reflect on the simple little things and connect with your baby even when your pregnancy feels like it’s getting the best of you—this is what it’s all about! You will get to enjoy your very own beautiful baby when all is said and done.

Ways to Survive Stress in Pregnancy

Just because you’re undergoing a range of emotions doesn’t mean you should not try to feel happy. Here are some tips to help you take care of your mental health during pregnancy:

  • Try meditation, breathing techniques, or hypnobirthing.
  • Stretch to feel better fast.
  • Take time every day to relax and get enough sleep.
  • De-stress with a massage.
  • Employ positive self-talk.
  • Wear comfortable maternity dresses to allow stretching and easy movement.
  • Do one special thing for yourself each day.
  • Find ways to connect to your baby.
  • Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself.
  • Be realistic about what you can do. Don’t expect too much of yourself.
  • Eat regular, healthy meals.
  • Go for walks outside. Fresh air will help you feel refreshed.
  • Avoid using drugs or alcohol to deal with stress.
  • Ask for help if you need it. Accept help if it’s offered to you.