A to Z of Network Security

Network security is an inclusive term covering several hardware and software solutions that help businesses conduct their operation smoothly without disruptions while making the network more accessible and secure. It involves many techniques and technologies like access control, email security, firewalls, VPN encryption, etc. Let’s learn more about network security.

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Types of Network Security Measures

There are a few primary types of network security measures implemented by a company’s IT security team. Here are a few of them described briefly:

1. Access Control – This involves giving access to the business network to specific individuals or groups based on their clearance level. This helps prevent unauthorized access to company systems to keep the network from data breaches.

2. Firewalls – A firewall is a set of rules that monitor incoming and outgoing traffic on networks. It is the first line of defense against malware and application-layer attacks.

3. Network Segmentation – It comprises dividing the network into various segments to ensure that sensitive data is not shared beyond a certain perimeter. This way, the roles of different departments are categorized based on common business functions.

4. Email Security – Emails are one of the easiest ways to trick employees into scams through phishing attacks. With appropriate network security technologies put in place, you can prevent your email accounts and content from cyber threats.

5. VPN Encryption – In the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, where remote work has taken the top priority for businesses, a VPN service allows companies to continue with their operations with utmost privacy enabled by multi-factor authentication, end-to-end data encryption, and more.

Why Does Your Organization Need Network Security?

There are several reasons why companies, especially small businesses, need top-notch network security to safeguard their IT infrastructure.

1. Continuity – If there are disruptions on the network every now and then, the flow of operations will be broken every time. A secure network ensures that business runs smoothly.

2. Efficiency – Cyber-attacks and employee errors can result in incidents causing hours or days of downtime. This impacts business efficiency and employee productivity. Network security measures can prevent that.

3. Loss Prevention – When disruptions of any kind impact a business, it certainly results in the loss of valuable time but may also cause loss of money and intellectual property. An advanced network security infrastructure can stop that from happening.

These are a few reasons why network security is vital to growing businesses. If you have a robust and secure network, you can scale your business quickly and establish a brand in the long run.