A Quick Guide on Call Center Solution with Integrated WhatsApp

Call center solutions have been benefiting businesses for many years now. Thus, the industry leaders have invented a way of gaining a competitive edge for their customers by identifying opportunities to amalgamate trending technological advancements with the call center solution. The outcome of ongoing inventions to benefit businesses is intelligent call center software.


Intelligent call center software is one of the most advanced call center solutions available in the industry nowadays. The inventors of this type of software keep investing resources in identifying even more ways to add competitive features, so its users can gain competitive advantages.

WhatsApp is a leading communication tool available these days. From personal or professional communication takes place on a WhatsApp call or WhatsApp chat. The WhatsApp chat is handy and loaded with amazing features as users can share all types of documents, files, images, etc. There are only some people who do not yet use WhatsApp. In a nutshell, it is the most popular communication tool.

Intelligent call center software solutions seek to incorporate all different communication channels to provide the most reliable and highly functional solution for communication to the call centers and other businesses. Thus, an intelligent call center solution offers a software solution with integrated WhatsApp.

Once the provider integrates WhatsApp with the intelligent call center software, a call center or business using it can provide support on WhatsApp. It means the most popular channel of communication can be added to the customer care center or department.

This integrated solution is very powerful. It provides access to all major features of WhatsApp. Agents can receive and send WhatsApp messages to leads or customers. Agents can also share documents, images, links, PDFs, etc. These features are useful to share product brochures, user manuals, guides, terms and conditions, and many other important documents and files to provide important information in the preferred way of the customers.

The call center or a business using an intelligent call center software with integrated WhatsApp messenger can show the business number to the customers and prospects. It means even if all agents of the company use WhatsApp features within the call center solution, the same predefined business number will be shown to the businesses. This also helps in keeping the brand image professional and customer information intact to the business only.

There are many more benefits of using this integrated software along with customer happiness. It can help in increasing overall team productivity. The agents can provide WhatsApp support to customers without leaving their call center solution window. Thus, they do not need to juggle between multiple apps or solutions. This results in time saving. Furthermore, a single agent can easily respond to multiple clients at the same time as it is live chat support via WhatsApp messenger. This helps in leveraging furthermore productivity benefits.


Integrating WhatsApp with an intelligent call center software to add one more communication channel in a call center or business can result in improved customer services, increased customer satisfaction, increased productivity, and other competitive advantages.