A Guide to Tip the Movers

We often take services from many people. But, unfortunately, we miss the additional courtesy. Whether it is the food delivery boy or the mover, you should pay a certain tips. After all they are working hard to provide the best service to us. So, to make their life better and a little bit easier, we should pay tips to them. For more info about moving service Loveland CO, moving company Fort Collins CO, office moving service Fort Collins CO click here.

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Now, here comes a question that is how to pay tips. For many people who are not much used to etiquette and other similar sorts of things it is really difficult to decide. So, let us guide you how to tip a mover.

Before we proceed with the right way to tip, let’s talk about how people usually tip. It will help you to rectify your ways to tip person from the moving company.

How People Tip a Moving Service Executive?

It is common to tip the waiters at restaurants. But when it comes to tip the moving company, people often forget. The major reason is that we do not avail of moving services so frequently like going to the restaurants. However, some responsible and kind-hearted people offer $4 to $5 to the moving services. Now, it varies from person to person. Now, let’s discuss is it the right way? If it is not then what is the proper way to tip to a mover?

The Right Way to Tip Movers

Before you tip the person coming from the commercial moving service you hire, consider several factors. First of all, check if they are organized enough or not. Then, pay attention to the weather condition. If the weather is not good enough, and still the moving service person comes to you, you should tip him. Next, focus on the work hours. If it is lengthy enough, a certain tip should be given. Also, it will help you to decide how much to pay per hour. Finally, have a look at the weight of the materials to be moved on. If they are so heavy, a tip can ease their struggles.

So, depending on these factors, we can suggest that the tip for an office moving company should be at least within $8 to $12$.

Let us know how much you tipped your mover last time.