Genetic Testing for Fitness

A Guide to Genetic Testing Labs in India

Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, have been a topic of discussion for the past decade and there are many concerns about these introductions. One of the concerns is regarding the ability of these GMOs to cause genetic modifications in crops. The other main concern is contamination of food with DNA from genetically modified organisms. This raises the question as to whether or not the best genetic testing lab in India can provide testing for organic food in India.


The Organic Products Research and Development (OPRD) laboratory at the University of Indiana is currently the only online lab that provides both consumer and professional testing for consumer products, including organic foods and conventional crops. In India, there are several such testing labs. Most of them have agreement agreements with organizations that are primarily interested in promoting genetic engineering and therefore are not capable to test genetically modified food for pesticides or allergens. For this reason, the only way to obtain results from an independent laboratory is by traveling to another country.

There is other genetic testing for respiratory problems. Some genetic testing for respiratory conditions will look at entire genes, rather than just a part of a gene. These genetic tests may also look at transcription factors. This type of genetic testing will examine a number of different genes.

Your genetic testing for respiratory condition can tell you if you are at risk. For example, genetic testing for Type2 Diabetes will tell you whether or not you should get your medications from a doctor. However, genetic testing for lung disease will tell you if you should keep yourself active, and watch your weight. So, genetic testing for respiratory disease can tell you a lot about your health, but it is always important to consult with your doctor before getting started.

In addition to genetic testing for diet traits, genetic testing for other common genetic disorders is also available. For example, genetic testing for cystic fibrosis has shown links to genetic abnormalities in the insulin signaling system and gastrointestinal tract. As cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder, it could only be inherited from the parents. Therefore, in order to determine if a person actually has cystic fibrosis, a blood test would be necessary.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States and the European Union are the regulatory bodies that ensure the safety of food produced for human consumption. Both of these organizations test for residues of genetically modified organisms, but the FDA only tests for pathogenic bacteria. Neither of the organizations screens for pesticides or insecticides. As of this writing, neither the FDA nor the European Union has specific guidelines for food testing.

The independent lab performed by Food Research Foundation (FRF) also tests foods for pathogen city and contaminant resistance. They do not screen for pesticides or herbicides either. Because the FRF is entirely Indian owned, they are better able to perform independent testing than companies from outside the country. Moreover, the independence of the foundation ensures that the integrity of the results are not affected by the biases of a foreign company.