A Brief Introduction to Market Data

Real-time market data is the edge that technological advancement gifted us with, to make our lives and the ones’ around us, easier. The vast prospects that it offers to the area of analytics and projects that deal with the same are so huge that most people are very likely to snub it off as an excerpt from sci-fi. Real-time data, as a concept, sounds very simple and easy to comprehend. But when you put further thought into it, one realizes the sheer amount of effort and technical prowess that’s required to efficiently handle and provide users with data on the go. The database for real-time data is different from traditional databases as the data as such, is dynamic in nature and not an entity that’s unaffected by time. The data that’s uploaded and updated to a database that deals with real-time data can be comparable to a consistent stream that is always in transit, with entities that are prone to fade away with time once rendered useless or old. The potential that real-time data holds, isn’t constrained to GPS systems, business models, or crisis management alone. It extends its reach to studying the stock market in-depth and providing users with more refined, tangible, and reliable data.


At QUODD, we assimilate data, manage and stream high-quality, low-latency market data from all the major North American Exchanges. We make sure that our intraday price feed clients have access to timely, reliable financial market data for use in their own proprietary applications and third-party software.

Data collected from the earlier mentioned exchanges would encompass Real-Time Equities, Options, Futures, Indexes, Mutual Funds, and Exchange-listed bonds. With a motive that brings all of these services under one umbrella, we have furthered our primary objective of making the handling of real-time data, a hassle-free affair. This also ensures that you would not have to seek assistance from another third party app and pay for data you don’t need. We have brought greater control to the handling of data by being highly customizable to the user’s needs. With proper knowledge of what kind of data and how much of it is needed, we have perfect control over it by providing uncommon flexibility to how you pull the data.

The major factor that deals with the efficiency of real-time market data, is the time required to feed the data to the client for use. Regardless of how reliable the information is, if it arrives late, the effort is nullified and that’s where QUODD guarantees its competency. When microseconds count, count on QUODD.

An easy to understand Application Programming Interface (API) language makes sure that nothing looks like Greek and Latin and the implementation is quick and seamless. Our program mitigates risk and ensures compliance with QUODD. With all of these in the package, we continue to strive to make it accessible by being simple and provide an easy-to-understand billing.

Technology costs are skyrocketing and the profit margins are shrinking by the day. To make the most of it, it is inevitable that you invest in services and products wisely. When it comes to hoarding data that gives you a noticeable edge with concurrent data, be sure to place your wager on QUODD.