A Brief Explanation of FedRAMP Certified Solutions

The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) is a US government-wide system. Fedramp certification provides a standardized approach to cloud vulnerability assessments. It also serves authorization and ongoing monitoring.


what is fedramp|fedramp compliance

FedRAMP approval speeds up digital transformation. FedRAMP is a government-wide initiative that encourages the secure adoption of cloud services by establishing a set of security and risk assessment standards that cloud technology must follow. If you want to use cloud-based technology in the federal government, it must meet FedRAMP compliance requirements. These permits ensure that the government’s valuable investments in technology and information, which total billions of dollars per year, are protected.

What is fedramp? FedRAMP certifications give legitimacy. The FedRAMP approval process can be lengthy. A three-step evaluation technique is used. First, a security assessment is performed, during which an agency is expected to comply with a set of standardized standards and controls. A range of subject area experts and third-party evaluators evaluate these criteria. The fedramp compliant program then issues a security authorization after these requirements are met. Finally, a continuous evaluation and authorization process is developed following authorization to ensure that your firm does not fall out of compliance.

FedRAMP compliance is the latest standard for government cybersecurity. Leveraging a full platform solution with FedRAMP approval is the best way to secure mission success while delivering a best-in-class customer experience and preserving compliance.

While FedRAMP was created to aid the US federal sector, state and local governments are increasingly using the framework in their contracts and assessments to attain a consistent level of security and compliance. StateRAMP, a new authorization scheme for state and local governments and their associated providers, was launched in the first half of 2021. FedRAMP and StateRAMP features sometimes surpass those mandated under industry compliance standards such as PCI, SOC2, and HIPAA in broader business use cases. When assessing a cloud computing service, the private sector can consider this authorization. To become fedramp certified, visit- https://www.ignyteplatform.com/fedramp-authorization/