5 Unique Ways to Kill Brambles

When playing through the game for the first time, it can be easy to rush through the levels and not pay attention to all of the details. After all, there are a lot of plants and their various sub-types to keep track of! This can lead to some players encountering brambles in different ways than others. While most players have probably encountered brambles by being attacked by them in a field or having them spawn directly beside them, they might not know that there are numerous ways to kill brambles. In fact, there are so many methods for disposing of this pesky plant that we thought we’d share them with you! If you’ve ever found yourself stuck on a level because you couldn’t figure out how to kill those pesky brambles, then read on! Here are 5 unique ways to kill brambles.

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By planting a Shocker or an Electric Floater

When faced with the task of killing brambles, many players turn to the Shocker for assistance. This no-brainer makes sense — it’s a berry that shocks things, ergo it can shock brambles, right? Unfortunately, this method often fails because brambles are immune to shock. However, brambles are also immune to every other projectile in the game (like peas, watermelons, and more). Due to this, the Shocker is the only projectile that can kill brambles. This can be done in two ways: -Plant a Shocker in the middle of brambles. This will kill them immediately, but it’s not the fastest or most efficient method. -Plant a Shocker and then water it until it grows into a fully-grown Shocker. This will kill the brambles at a faster rate and is much more efficient.

By feeding a Chomper a Berry

If you’ve ever battled a Chomper in the wild, you’ve probably noticed that it’s immune to all projectiles. You’ve probably also noticed that it has a very low health pool that can be depleted quickly. This makes it easy to kill a Chomper if you feed it a berry. You can simply use a berry to kill a Chomper and then replant it where the Chomper was previously standing. This works best if you’re trying to kill a Chomper in a large patch of brambles because the Chomper will eat the brambles as well. This will not only kill the brambles, but it will also kill any other nearby brambles! This can be especially useful if you’re trying to kill a Chomper that’s in a bramble patch that you can’t get to otherwise. How to kill brambles

By feeding a Chomper TENDER Loving Care

If you’re trying to kill brambles and you don’t have any berries, you might try feeding a Chomper TLC. This is the Chomper’s health in the form of a seed packet. If you feed a Chomper TLC, it will swallow the seed packet and instantly heal itself for the amount listed on the seed packet. At the same time, however, it will also destroy all nearby brambles! This can be especially useful if you’re trying to kill a Chomper that’s in a bramble patch that you can’t get to otherwise.

By placing an Umbrella Leaf or the Rainbow Flower

If a level has a large bramble patch, you may be wondering what to do about it. Obviously, you can’t just plant one Shocker and kill the entire patch. To deal with a large patch of brambles, you can place the Umbrella Leaf or the Rainbow Flower. These flowers will not only kill nearby brambles and other plants, but they will also create a bouncy surface where they were placed. These bouncy patches are immune to all projectiles, so brambles will not be able to grow there. If a Bramble attempts to grow on one of these patches, it will instantly die.

By placing a Sprout Station with its final upgrade AND an Ironweed and Morning Glory

If you’re trying to kill brambles and you don’t have any berry plants to work with, then you can try placing the Sprout Station. The Sprout Station is a special flower that spawns a random plant when seeds are planted on it. When you place the Sprout Station with the final upgrade and an Ironweed and Morning Glory on either side of it, it becomes an autonomous Bramble Sprout Killer! This autonomous flower will kill any brambles in its radius and will also destroy any seeds that are planted nearby. This is an extremely effective method for killing brambles and is useful in almost any level that has a large bramble patch or is difficult to access.


If you’ve ever found yourself stuck on a level because you couldn’t figure out how to kill those pesky brambles, then this article is for you! There are 5 unique ways to kill brambles: by planting a Shocker, by feeding a Chomper a Berry, by feeding a Chomper TENDER Loving Care, by placing an Umbrella Leaf or the Rainbow Flower, or by placing a Sprout Station with its final upgrade AND an Ironweed and Morning Glory.

This article is provided by https://www.goodgardn.co.uk/blogs/kill-brambles