5 expert tips to bathe your dog affectionately

Are you Oregon pet lovers wondering how to give your dog a happy bath hour? Then you have come to the right place. Dogs usually love to take baths if made used to from a young age. If your furry friend feels hesitant or does not respond freely to fresh baths, here are 5 tips and tricks to give your playful buddy an enjoyable bath. Even when you put him in an accomplished dog daycare facility, they will surely provide your canine friend a wonderful water grooming.


1) Don’t tie up your dog while bathing

As a Wilsonville OR resident whose pet dog is not that fond of the bathtub, let us tell you that no matter how much he resists, you should not tie him up. Your dog should feel free and tying will only make him more scared. You can invite him to the tub, having placed few toys in it. Then you can run the water slowly as you continue to play with him to keep him distracted. Make sure to keep the door open and never chain up.

2) Bathe your dog in a non-slippery and size-appropriate container

As a small breed dog may feel scared of the tub, you can shampoo and rinse him conveniently in a basin. But large dogs tend to slip after they are shampooed. Place a non-slippery mat in the bathtub so that your four-legged friend feels safe and secure during bathing.

3) Keep the water temperature mild

Don’t use very hot water to wash your dog as this might frighten him. Maintain a water temperature between 35 to 39 degrees Celsius so that your doggie likes the feel of the water.

4) Apply the hairdryer in moderation

Some dogs feel threatened by the excess noise and heat of a hairdryer. Being a Tualatin OR homeowner whose dog does not like this drying machine, you can dry up your canine family member with a soft and fluffy towel.

5) Pamper your dog for accepting the bath

Apart from continuous stroking, conversing, and playing with your pet, you must give it treats after the bath. This will encourage the innocent animal to take baths in the future, associating it with the treats.

Apart from routine bathing sessions, keeping your dog at a well-known doggie daycare center will allow him to cherish luxurious bathing by professional dog groomers.

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