5 Characteristics that Make a Good Logo

Building a memorable logo is a huge task that needs a good design. A logo represents the overall activity of a business. So a logo design should make consumers realize and connect with it emotionally. There is no specific protocol followed during logo designing, but there are things that help identify your logo among existing competitors.



  1. Relevant:

 Create a design that relates to the client’s personality and identity or their target audience. The main aspect starts from the use of colours which triggers emotions in customers. The bold colours will suit best for brands that sell tv, laptops, mobile phones. Next comes the font, which helps set the tone of a brand. The style varies according to the industry. Symbols can also be used instead of text or images, which delivers a bold message to the consumers.


  1. Memorable:

 The logo design should stay in the consumers’ minds from their first encounter with the logo. The motto of a logo should create interest in a brand by establishing an emotional connection. Balance the visual and textual aspects in a logo design for a memorable experience. An easy to remember logo creation has a huge impact on consumers’ minds which helps them recall instantly.


  1. Versatile:

 A logo should adapt across different mediums, applications and sizes. The visibility of your logo should match well on letterhead, print ads, web, videos, etc. If it works well on letterhead, the same effect cannot be expected in billboards. So it is necessary to understand the format to use it in different mediums. JPEG is a lossy compression format that tends to pixelate when resized; on the other hand, vector images are scalable.


  1. Lasting:

 A logo that stands the test of time is truly a remarkable achievement. The trends and styles in logo designing keep changing. It is not mandatory to shift to the latest trends or styles. If people have accepted your logo, it’s better if it remains unchanged. The reason behind a successful timeless logo design is its minimalist design and use of colours. Avoid using colour schemes and gradients.


  1. Simple:

 Simple and elegant logo designs have tasted more success than complex ones. Complex logo designs hinder the consumers’ understanding of the brand. Since most of them spend less time on logos, simplicity is a necessity. Use either signs, symbols, texts or images for a simple design and don’t create a logo incorporating everything. Using a few elements in your design helps communicate the brand identity.

A quality logo design can withstand an everlasting period. So spend your time wisely creating a logo with a simple design for better outreach of a brand. Design a logo that stands out and stays in consumers’ minds for a longer period. If you are looking for a memorable logo design, Designpluz will be an ideal choice. With a highly skilled and experienced team, Designpluz helped achieve quality logo design for many businesses and clients.