4 Tips to maintain your cutting board so that it lasts longer

A cutting board is an important part of your kitchen and therefore, if properly maintained, it can last for even decades. Wood cutting boards, especially engraved wood cutting boards, are not only a useful tool for your kitchen, but it is important because it helps you add to the beauty of your kitchen. Here, we will look at some tips which will help you ensure that your cutting board lasts longer, and also maintain its look. Get more information about business signs Harrisburg PA, business signs York PA, sign company Allentown PA click on the links.

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Don’t use the dishwasher for your cutting board: Although this might sound obvious, it does need to be stated. Many people get their boards split because they put it in the dishwasher. No matter how difficult it might be, your cutting boards need to be washed by hands. If you put it in the dishwasher, the chances of cracking are quite high, due to the prolonged exposure to heat and water.

Don’t let it soak in the kitchen: Prolonged exposure to water can also cause serious damage to your wooden board, which is why it is a smart move to wash it right after use. Don’t leave it in a soapy sink for later.

Let it air dry evenly: As you are washing your board, it will soak up some of the water and expand naturally. When it dries, it is going to contract naturally. This is not a natural process, and is no reason for concern.

Use Mineral Oil: If you are using your cutting board every day, it is recommended that you treat it with food-grade mineral oil at least once in a month. If your notice that your board is looking dull, dry or thirsty, and if you live in a low-humidity climate, you might need to do this more often.

If you are looking for hand made cutting boards for your kitchen, or personalized wood cutting boards, or monogrammed cheese cutting boards, you can consider BigWood Boards, a trusted and reliable wood cutting boards company, known for providing the most excellent products.