4 Essential Tips to Remove Stain from a New Car

A stain on the well-painted body of a new car! Pretty terrifying, isn’t it? It sounds scary. Well, do not panic. It can be removed. According to the experts in car detailing in Chicago, stains on a car are removable if you follow the process. Although sometimes stain can be hard on the surface that cannot be removed easily, a professional automotive detailing service in Chicago can remove it with proper techniques. But, again, there comes perfectionism. Usually, a stain especially a water stain has three stages. While it is relatively easy to remove the stain at an initial phase, the later phase may become tough. However, if you hire a renowned auto detail service in Chicago, you can be sure about the complete stain removal from a car.


Before you go to any company offering automotive detailing in Chicago, let’s know a few tips to remove stains from a new car. It will help you to check if the experts are working properly or not. Also, if you do not have access to go to any professional auto detail service in Chicago, you can DIY with the help of these tips. Here it goes.

Before we move towards the tips, let’s have a quick idea about what are the major types of stains on cars. They are- paint oxidation, paint swirl marks, sticky resins of the tree, animal fecal matters, road grime, scratch due to salt, water, etc. Read more information on car leather treatment Chicago, automotive detailing service Chicago, car leather treatment Chicago click on the links.

Now, coming to the main part of our discussion, let’s know what are tips used by experts in auto detailing service in Chicago to remove stains easily from a new car.

Determine the cause: if the damage is due to acidic chemicals, it may be intense damage. if it is from UV ray damage, the case can be different. So, determine the cause first then go for the solution. Also, pay attention to the number of days when it is stuck in the car.

Do you want to DIY: You have to decide whether you want to go to the car detailing service Chicago or opt for DIY. If you go for DIY, you may have to consult with a professional to know the details.

Wash well and dry: Make sure you wash the car well while going for the stain removal process. A clear body helps to see the stains properly.

A vinegar solution: Ask any of the experts about how to remove stains from a new car. They will ask to use a white vinegar spray solution. It is an effective and affordable solution that you can try always. A distilled water and white vinegar mix are ideal to wipe away the strains.

So, these are the tips to remove a stain from a car body. Once the stain is removed, a thorough paint correction may be required if the paint is not in good condition. However, you can go for auto shampoo in Chicago to ensure a better outlook after removing the stain and paint correction process.