4 basic pool maintenance tips every pool owner should know

Regular swimming pool cleaning and maintenance allows owners to keep pools in the best conditions all-round the year. Despite, hiring a professional pool Care Company for regular care and maintenance, there is an array of things that might need your supervision in between expert visits.


If all this while, you were relying solely on professionals, now is the right time to get to know the basics of pool maintenance tips to greatly care for your investment.

Read on our essential pool maintenance tips for every pool owner. Get more information about swimming pool filter cleaning Mission Viejo CA, swimming pool monthly service Mission Viejo CA, swimming pool cleaning Mission Viejo CA click on the links.

Appropriate running time for pool filters

In addition to filtering, pool filters also circulate chemicals. It is therefore important to run it for appropriate hours throughout the day. In general, it should run for 8 hours per day on average. But, in case, pool filter’s speed varies, it may require running a little longer.
Additionally, despite running it for appropriate timings, if the water seems cloudy, consult a professional pool care company to get swimming pool filter cleaning immediately.

The right time to vacuum pool

Organic matter build-ups in the bottom could give rise to stubborn stains on vinyl or pool walls. Therefore, regular cleaning further depending on the extent of organic or metal stains, getting weekly or bi-weekly vacuuming by professionals is required.

Additionally, plan to get a proper enclosure and retractable for caring for pool effectively.

Appropriate water level maintenance

Don’t let the water level dip down below the skimmer at any cost. It may directly affect the efficiency of your pool pump. Depending on the outdoor weather, you need to adjust water levels. For example, when it’s hotter outdoors, you need to increase the water level as more and more water is evaporating at a faster rate and vice-versa.

Regular resurfacing is important

Resurfacing or acid washing is required on a five to seven years basis. But, when you don’t winterize your pool effectively, you may need to resurface it quite often to keep the pool in great condition.

Keep in mind the above-mentioned pool maintenance tips to ensure keeping the pool in top-notch conditions throughout the year. Also, hire only the expert pool care company for swimming pool pump installation, cleaning, or filter cleaning.