3 Best Experiences to Relieve Upper Back, Neck, and Lower Back Pain

Upper back pain, neck pain, and tight shoulders can be debilitating. They can cause you to lose sleep, affect your work performance, and make everyday activities difficult. While over-the-counter medications may provide some relief, they may have negative side effects. Fortunately, some exercises can help you reduce or prevent these problems.


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Also, you can consult the best chiropractor as he/she has various exercises tailored to your specific needs.

The following exercises are some of the best for upper back pain, neck pain, and tight shoulders. They are easy to do and can be done almost anywhere.

1.Shoulder Roll

This is a good exercise for the shoulders and upper back. Follow these steps-

•Put your arms down at your sides.
•Using a circular motion, roll your shoulders backward five times. Repeat this five times forwards.
•Repeat this step two or three times.

2.Overhead Arm Reach

This is a good exercise for the shoulders and upper back. Follow these steps-

•Sit in a chair facing forward and Place your feet on the floor
•Reach to the left with your right arm extended above your head. Bend your body until your right lat and shoulder are stretched.
•Return to your original starting position. Rep 5 times with your right arm, then do the same with your left arm.


This is good exercise for the mid and lower back. Follow these steps-

The Cat-Cow exercise is a yoga pose that stretches and strengthens the spine. This exercise can help people with lower back pain, sciatica, and other conditions that cause back pain. Cat-Cow is a yoga pose that you do on your hands and knees.

•You start by arching your back like a cat.
•Then you round your back like a cow, stretching the spine in both directions.
•Repeat this exercise 10 times in each direction for the best results.

Want to know more about it? Visit kenwoodchiro.com and consult the best sports chiropractor.